Name | Year Added | Born (Year) | Died (Year) | Broad Impact Reached | Age Upon Death |
CS Lewis | 2017 | 1898 | 1963 | (age 44) published "The Screwtape Letters." Soon after, his WW2 BBC radio broadcasts resonated with many and were also later compiled into "Mere Christianity.” At age 52, the Narnia series surged, even among secular audiences. | 64 |
Augustine | 2018 | 354 | 430 | (age 32) Augustine converted and renounced many years of indulgent pleasure, as well as adherence to the Manichaean religion. (age 37) Ordained. (age 41) Appointed Bishop of Hippo Regius. (~age 44) Confessions written. (~age 59) City of God written. | 75 |
Tim Keller | 2019 | 1950 | 2023 | (age 38) founded Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. (age 58) “The Reason for God” was published. | 72 |
John Mark Comer | 2021 | 1980 | (age 24) planted Solid Rock Church with his parents. (age 31) founded Bridgetown Church in Portland and pub. his first book, one on hope. (age 34) broader reach with book “Loveology.” (age 39) national bestseller status with “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.” (age 41) left to found “Practicing the Way.” |